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2019年06月19日 17:41 返回列表

Prof. Liang-Hong Guo , Director

 Major research interests include environmental toxicology and environmental biosensors. In the field of environmental toxicology, we study the interactions of listed and emerging environmental contaminants (polybrominated diphenyl ethers, perfluorinated chemicals, atmospheric particulate matters, environmental nanomaterials) with functionally important biological molecules (hormone receptors, metabolic enzymes, transport proteins), the disruption effects of these interactions on the biological and physiological functions of cells and organisms, and the subsequent toxicity and health effects. In the field of environmental biosensors, we develop rapid, high sensitivity and high throughput bioanalytical methods for the quantitative detection of organic contaminants, as well as mechanism-based toxicity biosensors for the screening of geno-toxic and endocrine disrupting chemicals.
 Prof. Guo have published over 100 peer-reviewed papers in SCI journals such as Environmental Health Perspectives, Achieves of Toxicology, Nanotoxicology, Environmental Science & Technology, Nano Letters, ACS Catalysis, Analytical Chemistry, co-authored a book “Environmental Nano Science and Technology”, and also contributed 10 book chapters. Prof Guo have served as Associate Editor of Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, Editor-in-Chief of Chinese Environmental Chemistry, and committee members of Analytical Toxicology Division/Chinese Toxicology Society, Environmental Chemistry Division/Chinese Chemical Society, Analytical Mass Spectrometry Division/Chinese Chemical Society, Environmental Medicine and Health Division/Chinese Environmental Science Society, and Electrochemical Analysis Division/Chinese Instrument and Device Society.
    Prof Guo is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, recipient of the NSFC “Distinguished Young Investigator” Award, CAS “100 Talent Program”, CAS “Outstanding Science and Technology Achievement Award”, and CIAA “Science and Technology




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